Food Bank – GoochlandCares
Sri Sai Narayana Organization is running a food bank that donates items to the Goochland Free Clinic and Family Services. Milk, fresh produce, and canned goods are accepted. Click on the icon to learn more.
Sandwich Seva – The Salvation Army
In August 2010, SSNO started the Sandwich Seva program, where meals are prepared every week and donated to the Salvation Army of Central Virginia. The Salvation Army distributes these meals to the homeless and hungry. Click on the icon to learn more.
Service Educare Recycle Volunteer Environment
Service to all, Education and Character building,
Recycle and Reduce Waste,Volunteer in the community, Environment awareness -
Sugandha Vanam
‘Sugandha Vanam’ – Sri Sai Narayana Gardens When you come to Sri Sai Narayana Organization facility, you will be amazed by the various flower plants and trees, and you will notice the fragrance coming from these wonderful plants. Our garden is aptly named ‘Sugandha Vanam’ (Sanskrit for Fragrant garden) is home for thousands of plants […]